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What Clients Are Saying About CadmiumCD


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"Cadmium has been a valued platform for AANA."

Adam Fultz,
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"After several painful years (for the users and staff), we were finally to make the successful case to search for a new abstract management system. We received numerous emails and calls from the user's specifically citing Scorecard's ease of use, intuitiveness and the vast improvement over our previous system!"

Vicki Lindberg,
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"WVC has been using a conference app for five years, but the product Cadmium provided allowed us to expand the app's functionality. We included a gaming feature for our exhibit hall and session notes downloads within the app. These features resulted in additional adoption of the app by attendees. Staff time to build the app was reduced because much of the content was integrated with Harvester. The reporting features of the app allowed us to share the success of this product with our administration with real-time results."

Janis Knoetzel, WVC
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"I love working with Cadmium especially Marianne. She is very helpful when I have questions. We like that cadmium listens to their client requests and makes those changes. Cadmium is very responsive through boomerangs and that is excellent. Couldn't ask for a better content management system. Thank you!"

Michelle Perkins, AMCP
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"Cadmium is a fantastic choice for us! It gives us a database with lots of tools and customization to keep our data and programming details organized, and the website and other modules create a seamless experience to build effective tools that amplify attendee engagement. The reporting and worksheet functions are practical and robust and being able to design our own platform with lots of customization was great. Working with our Cadmium team has also been fantastic as they are kind, instructive, responsive, and feel like an extension of our own staff."

Jennifer Vitek, Kidney Cancer Association
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"The technology that Cadmium provided WVC through all phases of our conference was exceptional, but the most lasting impression we have is how enjoyable it was to work with their team. Their response time surpasses industry standards and using their boomerang tool allowed everyone to stay on track. Each time we presented Peter and his team with a challenging request their response was, 'Let us see what we can do.' Because of the Cadmium culture and products, WVC looks forward to working with Cadmium for many years to come."

Janis Knoetzel, WVC