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What Clients Are Saying About CadmiumCD


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"I have had an excellent experience using the Education Harvester. I am super swamped with my job, so it has been a slow process, but I get so excited when I figure things out on my own! Some of my clients have forwarded messages they have received from other conferences, and I look at how their tasks are set up and continue to get ideas on how to improve my events. Anytime I have a problem, my PM has been so very helpful and always makes sure we are totally confident in the resolution to our concern. Everyone is so helpful, and I find the monthly webinars very helpful. Thank you for this excellent experience making my event planning process so much more efficient!"

Anna Marie Tracy, GE

"The portal is great once you figure out where things sit."

Sona Karia, Casualty Actuarial Society

"The cadmium platform and project management team is incredible! The commitment to the success of my event is unparalleled and I am so grateful for the support."

Olivia Snow, Teacher's College, Columbia University
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"Switching to Cadmium is the best decision I have ever made for my company! The staff is always great to work with and quick to respond. The numerous training materials and resources available to answer your questions is extremely helpful. After going live with both my abstract and speaker portals, the questions have become surprisingly minimal since moving to Cadmium and I've received rave reviews from users about how easy the product is to use. I highly recommend using Cadmium!!! Jennifer Schap APHON Education Manager"

Jennifer Schap, APHON
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"Working with the Cadmium Staff is effortless. The missions make it easy to get a bulk of the work done so that way on the calls, the staff can just troubleshoot and help you make the system work best for you. The product is so customizable and we are just barely scratching the surface."

Natalie Perry, American Mosquito Control Association
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"This was our first app with Cadmium. We've received great feedback from our members and several five-star reviews in the App Store. Our members said they liked the layout of the app, found it easy to navigate, and enjoyed creating their own schedule. We also heard that they thought the app provided a great way to keep attendees updated throughout the meeting via push notifications. I thought the Cadmium staff was flexible with our needs and readily available to help. Having someone from Cadmium at our conference was helpful for attendees and a nice option I think we may utilize going forward."

Julie Ciaramella, AANA