We're now part of the Cadmium product suite! Learn more here.

Hermes SRR

Speaker Ready Room, Second Screen Technology, Digital Signage & Displays, Social Media Walls

Your Speaker Ready Room Software, Powered by CadmiumCD

Say goodbye to sneaker net. No more running presentations back and forth on USB. CadmiumCD's speaker ready room software integrates directly with your AV.

Collect and Push Content in Real Time

Collect presentations from speakers onsite, then push updated content and details out to AV products, and CadmiumCD's eventScribe attendee engagement platform.

User Photo

"The mobile app was good and we got a lot of positive feedback. It took slightly longer than I anticipated to get it set up (having left much of it to the last minute), but the staff at Cadmium were amazing at helping me along and making sure we had a functional product before the conference!"

Mack Park, Association of Recovery in Higher Education

The Attendee Engagement Platform

digital signage icon

Digital Signage

Collect information from speakers and push details out in real time to digital signage.

second screen tech icon

Second Screen Technology

Share the most up-to-date presentation slides on mobile, laptop, and session projectors.

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Consistent Experiences

Create a comprehensive branded experience by keeping all software on one unified platform.

Let's Get Started

Build the right technology platform for your conference, trade show, or educational meeting with CadmiumCD. Let's schedule a time to discuss your events and how CadmiumCD's system can fit into your workflow.

Get Started Today