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What Clients Are Saying About CadmiumCD


"The cadmium platform and project management team is incredible! The commitment to the success of my event is unparalleled and I am so grateful for the support."

Olivia Snow, Teacher's College, Columbia University
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"The best thing about CadmiumCD is the the working wIth Marianne Bryant (project manager) Rachel Schmit (website/planner) and Nakeya Pinkney (support). They are very helpful and know how to treat the client. They respond quickly and also follow up with you so you feel confident that requests are completed."

Jon Patrick Ewing, AHCA

"This is an email I sent -hopefully will suffice! Hello everyone. Thank you for your role in a successful Plant Protein Forum. While attendee feedback is pending the feedback from our presenters is resoundingly positive. This is critical for AOCS. These presenters, almost all non-member, will receive many requests to present due to the proliferation of virtual and hybrid events. As a small society we cannot (yet!) provide them with thousands of views or compensation. We can provide them with an excellent, easy, and personal presentation experience. I feel confident when AOCS asks them to present in the future they will say yes as well as recommend us as a presentation venue to colleagues. Thank you for your part in what is the beginning"

Amy Garren, AOCS

"Great service "

Meg Anderson, Council for Advancement and Support of Education
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"Switching to Cadmium is the best decision I have ever made for my company! The staff is always great to work with and quick to respond. The numerous training materials and resources available to answer your questions is extremely helpful. After going live with both my abstract and speaker portals, the questions have become surprisingly minimal since moving to Cadmium and I've received rave reviews from users about how easy the product is to use. I highly recommend using Cadmium!!! Jennifer Schap APHON Education Manager"

Jennifer Schap, APHON
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" On site customer service is the best I have ever received."

Brian Bird, WVC